Sunday, January 11, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Okay, so I KNOW this is a children's movie, but I am completely smitten by this series. So much so, that I have my own set of trading cards, so that I can play with Chandler. This past summer when I was bedridden with pneumonia, Chandler watched the series with me for the first time in an all day marathon. I just finished reading "Half-Blood Prince" and will start "Deathly Hallows" this next weekend. I am definitely taking PTO on opening day, LOL.. I am currently reading Half-Blood Prince aloud to Chandler, but it is much more tedious acting out each of the voices, thus we are still on Chapter 2. It'll be a long road, but I read Narnia: Prince Caspian aloud to him, so this task is not unattainable...only have, like, 500 pages to go!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The First Day of the Rest of my Life

I don't really remember what life was like before Chandler was born. Sure, I remember sleeping in and shopping trips without having to worry if he was hiding in the middle of a rack of clothing, poised to jump out at some unsuspecting shopper. But, I really don't remember what exactly it was that I did all day. Motherhood has definitely curbed all marathon phone conversations with friends, and I vaguely remember that the backseat of my car didn't have tiny, greasy handprints all over the windows.

I distinctly recall on my second day postpartum, glancing over at Chandler, swaddled snuggly in his clear, plastic crib and thinking, "Oh, wow, he is mine, and he's coming home with me, gasp." I guess I had been in some kind of fog, thinking it was all a really long daydream. Kind of like when you're driving to work and you imagine winning the lotto, and sailing around the world in your yacht. Except this was REAL. Later that day my mom lovingly whispered to me, "Don't expect too much from me, I've raised my kids." Crap? What do I know about babies? I remembered my little sister coming home from the hospital, but she was four months and I was five years old. I never changed any of her diapers! Of-course I had babysat, LOTS, but they were mostly toddlers and older. Well, I bottle-fed a baby, once... with supervision... I could do this!

The surreal feeling overcame me again the next day as we loaded up for the ride home from the hospital. Sitting in the backseat, next to my son as my mother whisked us away, I couldn't help but wonder, "is it okay for the hospital to just let me leave with him like this? Surely, not?!"

Strong, Bold and Brave

Today marks my very first blog =) Welcome! You may be wondering why I chose strong and brave as our blogspot address, and the answer is "strong,bold" is Ethan Chandler's namesake, and "brave" is mine (Kelly). Holding one's child for the first time is such an incredible, emotional experience and when I first held Chandler, I felt with certainty that regardless of what life tackled us with, together we would always be strong, bold and brave. On my desk sits a small frame, within it a small piece of parchment with calligraphic design and text, reading my name, namesake and the following: "You have given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand upholds me, and Your gentleness makes me great." Psalm 18:35 With God, we can do anything! I am excited for my blog to serve as a place to detail thoughts, record milestones and hopefully, also foster spiritual growth.