Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life Lessons from a Pet Rock

Life's lessons can be painful. We spent most of last week anxiously anticipating Friday: Pet Rock Day. Chandler toted his rock collection to school eager to show off his shiny, colorful glazed stones. He was to select one of them to transform into a pet rock. We discussed this transformation was permanent, indelible, in first grader terms "never going to wash off." After minimal contemplation, Ethan Chandler decided to select a new rock, from just beyond the patio for the pet rock project. So Friday morning, prized rock collection and prospective pet rock went off to elementary school. I hadn't really anticipated what would happen next. On the ride home from school that afternoon, I heard a gasp and an "Oh, NO!" wail from the back seat. It seems either two of Chandler's favorite rocks were lost or "borrowed" during their excursion to school. A few days later, backpack searched, classroom desk and cubby scoured, the missing rocks have not been recovered. It's been a difficult lesson for Chandler, that somethings are gone and they never come back. It reminds me of the first time Chandler accidentally let go of his helium balloon, and the ensuing tears as it floated out of sight. As a parent, too, it's a lesson... I couldn't reach into the sky to stop the fleeing balloon and I can't bring back the missing stones either. All I can do is prepare my son that toys taken outside of the house could get lost and most importantly, teach him that material items are not the most important things in life.

1 comment:

  1. Trauma of childhood aside, at least you get it...and can teach to him...that material things are temporary, but people are eternal. That's the really important stuff, after all: the stuff that is eternal. Sympathetic hugs for your young man, and admiration to you!
